Contactless key fob to control security modes
Sold in packs of 3, 10, or 100 devices
Sold in packs of 3, 10, or 100 devices
Quick access to the security system
Tag is a key fob designed for contactless security management. No passcode, user account, or access to an Ajax app is required. Simply hold Tag up to the keypad’s reader to change the security mode.

Top-tier data protection
Tag features DESFire® technology, the best-in-class contactless solution for user identification by access devices. DESFire® is based on the international ISO 14443 standard and combines 128-bit solid encryption and copy protection. This technology is also used in European capital transport systems and NASA access systems.

One key for home and office
One Tag can be connected to 13 hubs.

Full control in the app
In Ajax apps, a PRO user or system admin can assign a name and access permissions to each key fob. Every action is recorded in the event log to show who changed the security mode and when.
The admin can remotely revoke or limit access permissions at any time.
The admin can remotely revoke or limit access permissions at any time.

Easy pairing with an Ajax system
To pair Tag with the system, open an Ajax app, go to the settings, and hold the key fob up to the keypad. It's as simple as that.
Same reliability. Another form.

Choose the most suitable Ajax set in 2 minutes
Tell us what you need to protect and we will put together a set of detectors and devices for your premises.