MotionCam Jeweller

MotionCam Jeweller

Wireless motion detector with a photo camera to verify alarms

Adjustable image resolution

Adjustable image resolution

Jeweller and Wings radio communication

Jeweller radio communication

Power adjustment

Two colours

Two colours

Hassle-free installation

QR code

Temperature compensation

Temperature compensation

Effective detection in the heat and the cold

IR backlight

for the photos in the dark

IR backlight

Software filter for false alarms

Photo verification in 9 seconds

Photo verification in 9 seconds

without privacy concerns

Detection angles

Pet immunity

Up to 20 kg / Up to 50 cm

Pet immunity
Ajax logo



Office: Motion detected, MotionCam in Hall
Ajax logo


Factory: MotionCam in Factory Floor is offline. Connection via Jeweller channel lost.
Ajax logo


Home: Device MotionCam removed

Data-rich notifications

Remote configuration and control

Remote configuration and control

Up to 4 years of operation from pre-installed batteries

Up to 4 years

of operation from pre-installed batteries

Software filter for false alarms

IR backlight

for the photos in the dark

IR backlight
Remote configuration and control

Remote configuration and control

Up to 4 years of operation from pre-installed batteries

Up to 4 years

of operation from pre-installed batteries



Intellect against false alarms

We have combined special optics with a software filter for false alarms in motion detectors. Along with a professional installation, it gives high detection accuracy.

Intellect against false alarms

The detector instantly captures human motion in the protected area.

The specially designed Fresnel lens provides the most informative thermal diagram.

SmartDetect software algorithm filters out false alarms.

Special lens

The pattern of the Fresnel lens sections is designed so that the diagrams of the infrared radiation of a human, an animal, and thermal noise have significant differences. Large sections of the lens capture radiation at the level of the head and torso of an adult. Smaller sections make the diagram more detailed. The MotionCam Jeweller lens provides the detector with accurate information about the thermal object in the detection zone and the nature of its movement.

Special lens

Professional installation

Installing the MotionCam Jeweller in the right spot, at the optimum height, and perpendicular to the likely intrusion path ensures an informative thermal diagram. It significantly improves detection accuracy. Professional installation also makes the pet immunity feature more effective.

Professional installation

Filter for thermal interferences

The detector instantly analyzes the thermal diagram from the sensor: the infrared radiation intensity, the heat spot size, the motion speed, the time spent in the detection zone, and other parameters.

Ajax engineers have analyzed thousands of IR sensor triggerings caused by humans, animals, and thermal interference and developed SmartDetect. The software algorithm finds false alarm markers instantly and with high accuracy. As a result, the detector accurately responds to a human and does not bother the user with false alarms.

Smart detect size
False alarm
Real alarm
Smart detect speed
False alarm
Real alarm
Smart detect intensity
False alarm
Real alarm

Temperature compensation

Temperature compensation is a software mechanism keeping the thermal diagram contrast even if the ambient temperature is close to the temperature of the human body.

With each ambient temperature measurement, the detector corrects the PIR sensor data according to the coefficient table stored in its memory. The detector is effective over the entire operating temperature range.

Temperature compensation
Temperature compensation

Sensitivity level

With the sensitivity setting, the detector adapts to the conditions of a particular room, considering possible thermal interference or pets. Changing the sensitivity setting affects the markers by which false alarms are filtered.

With low sensitivity, the detector is less likely to respond even to an active pet. And with high sensitivity, it will raise the alarm in case of any motion in the detection zone.

Sensitivity is configured in the Ajax app both on-site and remotely.

Sensitivity level
Photo verification

More than a photo. Faster than a video.

MotionCam Jeweller will show the actual situation from the scene even before the burglars understand that they’re busted. An animated series of photos follows the instant alarm for an accurate situation appraisal. MotionCam Jeweller can only take photos in case of an alarm. The detector software architecture does not support taking a photo on demand.

Motion detected
Alarm raised
Evidence captured
More than a photo. Faster than a video.

MotionCam Jeweller detectors require a Hub 2, Hub 2 Plus or Hub Hybrid control panel.

Advantages of photo verification

Less concern

Up to 70% of false alarms happen when disarming the security system. With MotionCam, system users and monitoring company operators can verify in seconds whether an alarm is real and respond accordingly.

Less concern

More security

Both system users and a rapid response team need to clearly understand what happens on the scene in case of an alarm. MotionCam will show how many intruders are armed and whether they are still in the room. This will help a security company patrol prepare, and the users avoid danger.

More security

Evidence in a smartphone

A series of animated photos provide the law enforcers with the description of intruders, no time wasted. MotionCam will capture them even in complete darkness, thanks to the IR backlight. The chances of catching burglars in the act increase.

Evidence in a smartphone
MotionCam PhOD
Peace of mind on demand

MotionCam PhOD

MotionCam Jeweller detector is also available in a PhOD (Photo on Demand) version. The photos are taken when the user and the security company operator request them or when the FireProtect Jeweller and FireProtect Plus Jeweller fire detectors trigger.

Learn more
Data protection

Privacy as a top priority

MotionCam is designed to control security, not privacy. Photos are protected from prying eyes at the detector, system and software levels.

Strict permission distribution

Strict permission distribution

The special menu in the Ajax app helps accurately adjust access to visual data for users and security company operators: who and when can send a request for a photo, who can view the received pictures and streams from integrated surveillance cameras.

Encryption and GDPR

Encryption and GDPR

Graphic data is securely protected by encryption at each step of transmission and storage. Only hub users can access its virtual storage on Ajax Cloud and view photos taken by MotionCam detectors. The Ajax Cloud is located on geographically distributed servers in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

Detailed event log

Detailed event log

Only users with access rights can view the photos in the system event log.

The event log stores the last 500 system events.

Only with Ajax

Unique wireless technologies

MotionCam detector uses two radio protocols simultaneously: to inform about alarms and Wings to transmit photos. Provides instant alarm delivery, while Wings delivers the first photo from the scene in just 9 seconds. Even with communication breakdowns and a weak signal. The communication range with the hub is up to 1,700 meters, so the detector can be easily installed where it will be the most effective.

Installation range up to 1,700 m

Photo delivery under 9 seconds

Two-way encrypted communication

ReX 2
Solution for a large-scale security

ReX 2

ReX 2 range extender doubles the radio range up to 3,400 meters, while photos to verify alarms can be transmitted via the Ethernet cable. Automatic signal strength adjustment and frame synchronization ensure that any number of system devices can be connected to ReX 2 without compromising communication reliability.

Ajax system supports connection of up to 5 range extenders with total coverage of up to 35 km2.

More about ReX 2
Only with Ajax

Complex anti-sabotage

Communication loss detection in 36 seconds

Communication loss detection in 36 seconds

The wireless devices polling frequency is adjusted by PRO or user with admin rights in the in-app hub settings. With a minimum interval of 12 seconds, the system takes 36 seconds to detect the communication loss with the device and notify the security company and system users.

Notification of dismantling

Notification of dismantling

The detector enclosure is equipped with a tamper that detects an attempt to remove the device from the SmartBracket mounting panel or tear it off the surface.

Device authentication against fraud

Device authentication against fraud

For authentication, the hub checks the device's unique parameters during each communication session. If any parameter fails the check, the hub ignores device commands.

Data protection with encryption and hopping

Data protection with encryption and hopping

All data that the system stores and transmits is protected by block encryption with a dynamic key. Radio transmission uses frequency hopping, which makes interception and jamming more difficult.

Notifying about events

Notifying about events

The monitoring station receives notifications on alarms and detector events in 0.15 seconds. The information includes time, device model and name, event type, and location room.

Jamming detection in 30 seconds

Jamming detection in 30 seconds

The hub analyzes the quality of communication with the system devices. If some data packets are lost, the control panel will change the transmission frequencies and inform the monitoring station about radio interferences.

Only with Ajax

Intuitive installation and connection

Add the MotionCam detector to an Ajax security system with a few taps. Open the Ajax app, scan the QR code and assign the detector to the room. There is no need to disassemble the detector enclosure. The SmartBracket mounting panel allows you to securely install the detector on a flat surface or in a corner.

Adding to the system via QR code

Adding to the system via QR code

SmartBracket mounting panel to install the device without dismantling

Installation MotionCam

Configuration and testing in the mobile and desktop apps

Installation MotionCam

Motion sensors for burglar alarms

Motion detectors detect the movement of an object and inform users about it by turning on the light, sound, blocking, etc. Noticing movements helps sensors work based on the analysis of waves, which can be infrared, ultrasonic, microwave. Devices of this type are actively used to protect objects and in "smart home" systems. A motion sensor is used to control lighting. For example, they are installed by municipal services to illuminate flights of stairs in multi-storey buildings ― this saves electricity: if there is a sensor, the lamp only works when it notices a person, which increases the life of the illuminators themselves. A variation of such devices are motion sensors that work on the same principle but are highly sensitive.

Device and sensor elements

First, users need to understand what kinds of motion sensors exist. The most popular are infrared, ultrasonic, radio wave and photoelectric. All these sensors are similar in principle. For example, an infrared sensor contains two sensing elements and a lens. The lenses focus the reflected IR radiation onto them. The space between components and lenses is divided, and the radiation projected from each lens falls on its sensitive element. All lenses are mounted on the body. They are visible and look like a tiny translucent window. The higher the number of lenses, the more sensitive the presence detector.

How presence detectors work

The work of all motion sensors is based on the analysis of waves reflected from the object. If this wave hits an object, it changes its characteristics ― frequency intensity. The sensitive element of the presence sensor notices this and transmits a signal to the control panel, which notifies an outsider in the protected area with a sound or turns on the light. After a person enters the room, the motion detector reacts to the presence and transmits a command to the alarm control panel, which sends a command to the switch or other connected devices. At the exit from the controlled territory, reverse actions occur, and the light turns off. Another example of such presence sensors is the lighting of parks, adjacent territories, and streets using solar panels. The work of light sources in this use is based on solar energy consumption.

Types of motion sensors

Motion sensors differ in the type of the analyzed wave and the possibilities of generating the emitted waves. In this case, devices of the following types are distinguished:
  1. Active.
  2. Passive.
  3. Combined.
Active motion sensors can independently generate waves of a specific type that operate within a given radius. When an object moves across the controlled area, the wave is reflected from it and changes its characteristics, after which it hits the sensitive element through the focusing lens. The sensor is activated when it detects the difference in the parameters of the emitted and reflected waves. It sends a command to the alarm control panel, after which a specific action is performed ― the lighting turns on, an audible signal sounds, etc. This difference in performance must be higher than the specified sensitivity threshold, which is set so that the security system does not respond to third-party movements. Passive motion sensors do not generate waves of a certain type but pick them up when reflected from an object. Infrared devices work according to this principle. They read the heat emanating from the object. The analysis of characteristics in such a device occurs through two sensitive parts: when there is no movement, they receive waves of the same intensity and quantity, but as soon as movement occurs, a changed reflected wave arrives at one of the elements, the detector captures this difference and reacts according to the settings. The last type of detector is a combined device. Such sensors consist of two parts, the first creates a certain type of wave, and the second analyzes it for characteristics at a distance.

Ajax MotionCam — wireless motion sensor with camera for alarm verification

The Ajax MotionCam wireless motion detector warns users when a threat is detected. Following the warning message, the wireless sensor will send an animated series of photos to assess the situation to confirm the response.

The principle of operation of the Ajax MotionCam wireless motion sensor

The Ajax MotionCam wireless motion detector takes a photo only in case of an alarm. The received data is transmitted over a secure Wings radio channel, which uses encryption to transmit and store information. The sensitivity of MotionCam is adjustable. The wireless motion sensor with a camera can ignore pets up to 50 cm tall and weigh 20 kg, thanks to the SmartDetect digital algorithm. But if the pet manages to trigger an alarm, the photo report, which the user immediately receives, will show that nothing threatens the guarded object. Safe and reliable transmission of received data is ensured by the simultaneous use of two radio protocols: Jeweler, which reports alarms, and Wings, which transmits photos. The transfer of media files from the scene takes less than 9 seconds after the motion is detected, and the user will receive an alarm notification immediately. The location for the MotionCam wireless alarm sensor installation must be selected, taking into account the communication range with the alarm control panel, which is up to 1700 meters, provided there are no obstacles. Ajax MotionCam works up to 4 years from pre-installed batteries. Installation and configuration of the wireless sensor do not require special knowledge: the device is mounted on the SmartBracket mount without disassembling the case. The connection to the alarm control panel is made through the Ajax mobile application scanning a QR code. The wireless motion detector with photo-alarm verification is ready to work out of the box. The battery is already pre-installed.