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What is Ajax Ready?

Ajax Ready is the status assigned to third-party devices and systems that have been verified and integrated with the Ajax system.

Ajax Ready product is a device that is either designed using Ajax technology or integrated with an Ajax device. These products are controlled through Ajax apps and enhance the functionalities of Ajax devices. They are mass-produced and commercially available.

Which device can get Ajax Ready status?

  1. Ajax Ready product is a hardware product that fulfills at least one of the following conditions:
    1. it is designed based on the Ajax device(s) without any modifications to their critical electronics and modules such as lenses, speakers, antennas, etc;
    2. it offers seamless connection and installation and comes with Ajax device(s);
  2. The use of the Ajax Ready product does not violate Warranty, End User Agreement, and general terms of use of the Ajax device(s) integrated with it;
  3. Ajax Ready product extends/supplements the capabilities of Ajax device(s) or an Ajax system and offers obvious value to the user;
  4. Ajax Ready product can be managed in the Ajax apps;
  5. Ajax Ready product is or will be produced in batches, with a limited number of variations and defined specifications for each variation;
  6. Ajax Ready product is commercially available and is not a company-specific solution.

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