
Understanding fire alarm buttons and fire safety automation systems

Understanding fire alarm buttons and fire safety automation systems

Fire safety is a critical concern in any building, and having the right tools to alert occupants and emergency services can make a significant difference. One such tool is the fire alarm button, an essential component of fire safety systems. This article will explore fire alarm buttons, their purpose, and their role in fire safety automation systems.

What is a fire alarm button?

A fire alarm button, or a manual call point, is a device designed for manually activating a fire alarm system. Usually recognized by its red color (although variations exist), the call point houses a button or frangible element that triggers the fire alarm when pressed or broken. This immediate action sets off alarms to alert building occupants and sends signals to the central monitoring station (CMS), ensuring a prompt response from emergency services.


Why do we need fire alarm buttons?

The primary purpose of the fire alarm button is to provide a manual method of activating the fire alarm system in case of an emergency. While automated fire detection systems are highly effective, manual call points serve as a critical backup, allowing anyone who spots a fire to raise the alarm quickly. This redundancy helps to eliminate delays in alerting occupants and initiating emergency protocols.

Key features of modern fire alarm buttons

Modern fire alarm buttons have advanced features to maximize their reliability and effectiveness during emergencies. Here are the key features that set them apart:

  1. Immediate alarm activation: Pressing the button triggers built-in sirens in all fire detectors connected to the system. This ensures immediate activation of the alarm system, facilitating a rapid response to potential fire hazards.
  2. Visibility and accessibility: They are designed to be highly visible and easily accessible, typically installed in prominent locations throughout a building. This strategic placement is vital for quick access during emergencies.
  3. CMS integration: The alarm signal is sent to a central monitoring station (CMS), which then contacts emergency services.
  4. In-app notifications: Users receive instant notifications detailing which device was triggered, when, and where.
  5. Automation scenarios: Advanced systems can automatically de-energize the facility, activate emergency lighting, and unlock exits upon alarm activation.
  6. Resilient mechanism: Modern fire alarm buttons are designed for reliability, having simplified mechanisms and minimal moving parts, thus reducing the risk of failure.
  7. Extended battery life for wireless devices: High-quality buttons offer up to 7 years of battery life.
  8. Wireless communication: By utilizing radio communication protocols, these devices ensure that signal transmission remains reliable and secure, even over long distances.
  9. Tamper alarms: Features like tamper alarms are designed to prevent unauthorized removal or tampering.
  10. Durability and reliability: Modern fire alarm buttons are built to be durable and reliable, capable of withstanding harsh conditions and ensure functionality even in adverse environments.

What is a fire safety automation system?

Fire alarm buttons are a crucial part of fire alarm systems. They serve as the manual activation point to initiate the fire response process. Upon activation, the fire safety automation system can:

  1. Activate fire detectors' sirens: Ensuring that everyone in the building is alerted.
  2. Trigger intrusion sirens: Drawing attention to the building from outside.
  3. Send alerts to CMS: Ensuring immediate contact with emergency services.
  4. Execute automation scenarios: These include de-energizing electrical circuits, activating emergency lighting, and unlocking exits.
  5. Provide real-time data via apps: Offering critical alerts, device status updates, and detailed event logs.

Fire alarm systems represent a sophisticated approach to fire safety, combining various technologies and devices to create a cohesive and responsive protection network. The integration of fire alarm buttons within these systems significantly enhances their overall effectiveness.

Components of a fire alarm system

  1. Detection systems: Devices such as smoke detectors and heat sensors that identify fire conditions.
  2. Manual activation points: Fire alarm buttons and other devices that allow for manual intervention.
  3. Alarm and notification mechanisms: Systems designed to alert occupants and notify emergency services.

Benefits of integration

  • Comprehensive coverage: Ensures that all potential fire scenarios are addressed.
  • Immediate response: Manual activation can significantly reduce response time, potentially saving lives and reducing damage.
  • Automation protocols: Triggered by fire alarm activation, these protocols execute predefined actions, such as shutting down HVAC systems, activating sprinklers, and unlocking emergency exits. These measures help mitigate the fire spread and facilitate evacuation.

Several best practices should be followed to maximize the effectiveness of fire alarm buttons:

  1. Strategic placement: Fire alarm buttons should be installed in accessible and visible locations, such as near exits, in corridors, and areas with a high risk of fire.
  2. Regular maintenance: Regular inspections and testing ensure fire alarm buttons remain in good working condition and also confirm that there are no obstructions in the way to the button.
  3. Clear signage: Provide clear signage to guide occupants to fire alarm buttons and provide instructions on their use.
  4. Training and drills: Occupants of the building should be educated on the proper use of fire alarm buttons as part of regular fire safety training.

Modern fire alarm buttons have evolved to incorporate several advanced features that enhance their functionality and reliability:

  • Wireless connectivity: Allows seamless integration with broader fire safety systems without extensive wiring.
  • Remote monitoring: Provides real-time status updates, ensuring timely maintenance and overall enhancing system reliability.
  • Enhanced durability: Utilizes advanced materials and engineering techniques to withstand extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and physical impact.

Ajax System's ManualCallPoint Jeweller exemplifies advanced fire alarm technology with its versatile design and several color-coded versions. The red ManualCallPoint is intended explicitly to activate fire alarms In addition, the blue, green, yellow, and white versions offer flexibility in responding to various emergencies or triggering automation scenarios. Each color-coded version is tailored to serve different functions, enhancing the system's overall adaptability and responsiveness.

For example, ManualCallPoint (Blue) Jeweller may be used to signal medical emergencies, while ManualCallPoint (Green) Jeweller may be designated for security alerts, such as unlocking doors during a lockdown. ManualCallPoint (Yellow) Jeweller is often associated with chemical or environmental hazards, and ManualCallPoint (White) Jeweller can be customized for general-purpose alarms or other specific scenarios. Despite their color differences and intended uses, all versions share the same core functionality, including the ability to activate automation scenarios and alarms with a single press. This way each button seamlessly integrates into a broader safety and automation strategy.


Example: ManualCallPoint (Red) Jeweller

A prime example of a modern fire alarm button is the ManualCallPoint (Red) Jeweller. This wireless, wall-mounted button offers a reliable and straightforward method to activate the fire alarm. Key features include:

  • Fire detectors' sirens activation: Pressing the button triggers all connected fire detectors' built-in sirens.
  • CMS alarm delivery: The central monitoring station is immediately notified.
  • Jeweller radio communication: Provides up to 1,700 meters of communication range.
  • Automation scenarios: Can de-energize the facility, activating emergency lighting, and unlocking exits.
  • Long battery life: Operates up to 7 years with the pre-installed batteries.
  • Tamper-proof design: Features a transparent front lid to prevent accidental pressing and a SmartBracket mounting with tamper alarms that activate in case of unauthorized use.

ManualCallPoint (Red) Jeweller exemplifies the advancements in fire alarm technology by combining reliability, efficiency, and comprehensive integration within fire alarm systems. Features such as instant siren activation, CMS alarm delivery, extensive communication range, automation capabilities, extended battery life, and tamper-proof design — make it essential for modern fire safety infrastructure. This sophisticated device ensures a rapid response time, enhancing safety and emergency preparedness.


Fire alarm buttons are crucial for fire safety systems, providing reliable manual activation and enhancing the overall effectiveness of fire protection strategies. When integrated into comprehensive fire safety automation systems, these devices ensure a swift and coordinated response to fire emergencies, safeguarding people and property. By adhering to best practices in placement, maintenance, and usage, as well as leveraging advanced features, we can maximize the effectiveness of fire alarm buttons and ensure a safer environment for everyone.