Ajax Systems, a Ukrainian manufacturer of professional security systems, reconstructed a sports ground for the Natural-Scientific Lyceum No. 145 in Kyiv.
The new court is located at Shota Rustaveli 46, and can be used for basketball, volleyball, minifootball, and tennis by students from the lyceum and sports clubs.
When I was a schoolboy, I loved playing football and basketball, but we didn’t have proper sports grounds in the neighborhood. We played basketball on gravel and tossed a football on a patch of grass. It was not possible to play either in schools nearby, or at enterprises, which had sports grounds that simply stood idle. Then I decided, when I grow up, I’ll build a sports ground, where school kids will enjoy playing football.
We chose lyceum No. 145 as a new place to build the facility. The school staff have been training the best specialists in physics and mathematics for many years. We also decided to support the sporting spirit, as sport gives a person an opportunity of all-round development, promotes team spirit, ambitions, and healthy competition.
The sports ground is the first stage of supporting the lyceum and young engineers. The next stage is to provide equipment for the school’s electronics and physics laboratory, to hold a Career Day for schoolchildren and help them choose their future profession, to show the possibilities of development in the Ukrainian IT sphere so that talented professionals stay in Ukraine.

The Natural-Scientific Lyceum ranks second among Kyiv schools according to the results of External Independent Testing. The lyceum students are multiple winners of Ukrainian and international academic competitions in physics and mathematics, and its graduates often work as engineers for the largest Ukrainian IT companies.
We are pleased that IT companies pay attention not only to universities, but also to schools. We have 400 children and teachers who will compete in different age categories. The sports ground will be used for lessons, competitions, trainings, and sports events for entire classes. This will help students focus on the development of both professional and personal qualities.