
KORSA Windows

KORSA Windows

The automatic ventilation system based on KORSA Comfort windows, LifeQuality air quality monitor, and Ajax relay.

KORSA Windows

“KORSA Windows” is a company specializing in the production, installation, and maintenance of high-quality premium PVC and aluminium windows and doors since 1998.

About the product

KORSA Comfort is a window system with an integrated automatic and secure ventilation feature developed by KORSA. The window sash shifts inward, creating a 6 mm ventilation channel along the entire perimeter of the window. Nevertheless, the windows maintain their burglar-resistant features, ensuring both ventilation and security within the premises.

LifeQuality Jeweller smart air quality monitor measures real-time CO₂ levels with medical precision. Users can set their preferred air quality parameters. If the sensor detects CO₂ levels exceeding the set limits, it communicates with the hub. The hub runs a scenario that triggers Relay Jeweller to open the windows for ventilation. Once the CO₂ levels decrease to the desired level, the hub initiates a reverse scenario to close the windows.

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