Ajax buttons and key fobs

Ajax buttons and key fobs

Ajax smart buttons and key fobs for security management, automation, and raising an alarm

Always-accessible remote control

Ajax wireless smart buttons and key fobs use Jeweller radio protocol with a communication range sufficient to manage devices in large facilities and change the security mode upon approaching the premises. Users receive notifications on all alarms and events with event type, location, triggered device, and the user who initiated the command.

Explore the unique features of Ajax buttons and key fobs

Extended efficiency

Ajax alarm buttons and key fobs communicate with the hub via the encrypted Jeweller radio protocol over distances of up to 1,300 m. If signal interference or jamming occurs, the system automatically switches frequencies and notifies users and the security company. The pre-installed batteries provide up to 5 years of autonomous operation. You can monitor battery status in an Ajax app.

Extended efficiency

Data-rich alarms

The Ajax system provides informative push notifications to CMS and users for any alarm or event from Ajax buttons and key fobs. If someone disarms the system, opens the gate, or triggers the alarm, you will know what happened, which device was triggered, and which user performed any actions. This notification system ensures complete transparency and provides detailed insight into every security event across the entire property.

Data-rich alarms

Compactness and reliability

Ajax buttons and key fobs incorporate protection against accidental presses, eliminating false alarms. The devices’ compact, portable design allows them to be installed in the holder. This way, the devices can be fixed on a surface or carried on keychains, necklaces, or pockets/bags, and they will always be at hand. The dust-proof and water-resistant button enclosure ensures reliable operation in various environments.

Compactness and reliability

Ajax product lines

Superior, Fibra, and Baseline product lines are mutually compatible. This opens up numerous possibilities for building systems of any configuration.