
MOT exhibition

Security and mobility

How the Ajax security systems protect the works of world artists during the war

Security and mobility

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MOT exhibition

Art spaces with valuable exhibits are always a challenge for the security industry. Mobile constructions, architectural features, and a great number of visitors require flexible solutions for complex protection.

Module of temporality (MOT) — is a 417 m² exhibition space. It consists of 27 metal containers. There are paintings, sculptures, installations, and audiovisual works of 28 artists from 10 countries inside the containers. The exhibition is devoted to the theme of russian aggression against Ukraine.

Unlike classical museums, MOT containers are situated right in the middle of the square in the center of Kyiv. The exhibition doors are open to the general public 7 days a week for three months. After that, the art space will be taken apart and then put back together in a new location.


Protection of the exhibits and metal constructions with the possibility of relocation of the security system

Organizing a stable radio signal. All walls and slabs are made of metal. This material screens and weakens the radio signal. On top of that, the signal is additionally weakened by metal objects inside the space. Thus, to provide a powerful radio signal, it was necessary for engineers to calculate the exact number and optimal location of all detectors and range extenders at the site.

Providing mobility for relocation. MOT exhibition is planned to be presented in different countries. However, to relocate it, organizers have to dismantle all constructions together with the security system. The location of containers may change, yet, despite all changes, the security system should provide a stable radio signal.

“The fundament of our project is an international exhibition for which many artists created and provided works devoted to the theme of temporality. Despite the fact that it is unusual for each of them to present their works in a country that is at war and where it is impossible to insure the works of art, they entrusted us with their precious paintings, installations, and sculptures.

The Ajax security system has been trusted to protect them against damage, theft, or flooding, allowing the team of the project to monitor the space day and night and even remotely control the devices”.

Team don’t Take Fake

Why Ajax

  • Safety. Powerful radio signal under any circumstances using Jeweller radio communication technology. If the distance between the containers increases, detectors will work stably using range extenders.
  • Mobility. In case of exhibition’s relocation and re-installation, the security system will keep the same settings and will not need a new configuration.
  • Comfort. Being able to control the security system from a smartphone gives MOT team an opportunity to quickly activate or deactivate the system without turning to specialists.
  • Design. The room is equipped with LightSwitch devices, which are organically combined with the design of the art space.


62 detectors and range extenders to provide art space with mobility

Installation engineers used a control panel Hub 2 Plus. This model has an ability to support a far greater number of security devices and user groups.

The reception staff, office staff, and hall wardens use a wireless touch keypad KeyPad Plus to enter exhibition’s territory and office space. It is not necessary for staff to have an Ajax app, it is enough to know the code.

To increase the strength of a signal, 2 range extenders ReX 2 were installed on different floors of exhibition. Ajax’s engineers installed range extenders in a way that allows all 62 detectors to receive the same stable radio signal.

25 DoorProtect Plus detectors were used to protect windows and doors. The detectors were installed on windows and glass constructions. Moreover, 12 CombiProtect detectors, which detect motion and glass break, were placed inside the premises.

If any of the detectors is triggered, the StreetSiren, which is attached to the outer part of one of the containers, activates. Organizers also use a third-party CCTV system that has been integrated into Ajax application.

20 smart LightSwitch switches, 2 two-gang, and 18 one-gang switches were used to adjust the light inside the premises. Organizers control the lighting through Ajax app and use automation scenarios for smart lighting.

Besides the exhibition area, there is an office, a reception, a boiler room, and a restroom in the MOT territory. Sanitary areas have been equipped with two LeaksProtect detectors for leak detection.


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