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Why a security system must be installed by a professional

Why a security system must be installed by a professional

A security system has no right to fail. Not only the preservation of property but also the lives of people depend on it. With such high stakes, every aspect of the system is critical. The equipment must be reliable, and the set of devices must be chosen correctly. The installation and setup should take into account the facility’s specifics and the user’s requirements. . Miss one aspect from the list, and security will be an illusion.

Modern security systems seem simple: devices are connected in minutes, and the system is configured in an intuitive mobile app. This impression is deceptive. Installing a security system includes a number of necessary stages: it is needed to examine the object, determine the locations of possible signal interference, select the devices and create a security system project, install the equipment and test detection zones, configure and test the system, connect to the monitoring station, draw up documentation and deliver the project to the client. Only a professional installer, or PRO, can quickly and correctly perform all these works.

The main value of PRO

An experienced installer has expertise to accurately identify the vulnerabilities of the facility and understands what kind of protection would work for it. A professional relies on the requirements of specialized standards, regulations, industry practices. And PRO thoroughly understands security equipment. It is PRO that turns separate devices into a reliable, stable and efficiently protecting security system.

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When handing over the facility to the client, the professional ensures that the system is ready to resist attacks. That is why only such systems are taken for monitoring, and police patrols only respond to such systems’ alarms.

PRO takes into account all the significant details

The professional installation process is organized in a way that helps identify all the aspects that are critical for the operation of security equipment in a timely manner. Before installing the system, the specialist studies the client’s requests, how and by whom the facility is used, and personally examines the location . Here are just a few examples of why all this prep work is important:

A dog lives in the house. Modern professional security systems have hardware and software false alarm prevention systems. But in order for these systems to work properly, it is critical to take into account the pet existence and pet’s habits when choosing the location of detectors, as well as to set them up correctly. The PRO knows how to do it.

There are signal interference factors at the location. For wireless devices, these are walls, ceilings, and large metal objects. They can significantly reduce the radio signal strength. For wired devices, you need to take into account power lines, generators, transformers, control relays, and other sources of electromagnetic interference. Considering all the peculiarities of the object, the professional pays close attention to the spot selection for devices, correctly designs the cable laying, chooses the type of insulating material for it, and strengthens the radio coverage with radio signal range extenders if necessary.

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Outdoor security required. It cannot be done without a thorough survey of the facility and a search for potential sources of interference: low trees and bushes, reflective surfaces, ventilation outlets. PRO choose outdoor detectors and direct them to get instant detection of an intruder in the protected area without false alarms. PRO also minimizes the risk of system sabotage.

Video surveillance installation. The PRO provides the integration of video surveillance with the security system software — so that in case of alarm, users and the security company can immediately view the video stream from the camera and respond accordingly to a threat.

The system requires guest access. For example, for cleaning a house when the tenants are absent. The professional will suggest installing a keypad to control the system and zoning the facility so that the cleaners can only disarm a system in certain areas — but not in the owner’s office, where important papers are stored.

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KeyPad, wireless touch keyboard

There is no power supply or it is unstable. To provide protection against burglary, water leak and fire the security system can be powered from a portable battery. And backup communication channels are provided via two SIM cards of different mobile network operators.

There are thousands of such subtleties. Some are typical for certain types of the object: a large house with a yard, a small coffee shop, an office with hundreds of employees, a 24/7 production factory, etc. The customer’s requests determine other nuances. The value of an experienced PRO is that they know how to implement all these “must” and “want” in practice.

PRO determines the optimal defence

A professional installation engineer will select the optimal security system configuration for a specific apartment, house, cafe, shop, office or manufacture.

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MotionCam, motion detector with a photo camera to verify alarms

Security system installed by an engineer provides control of probable ways of intruding the territory and premises, and can turn on sirens to draw attention in case of intrusion. Alarm buttons and even devices to counter intruders actively can be connected to it: automate electric locks and roller shutters, a smoke machine. Burglary protection can grow into comprehensive security with fire detectors and anti-flood systems.

Who to entrust the installation of the security system

Security activities involve licensing. Also in many countries there are certification bodies. They provide training and/or make sure that companies and their employees know regulations, apply mandatory processes, check service quality, etc.

Information about such organizations can be obtained from major security service providers or from the police.

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Also, it would be helpful to ask the insurance company for advice — they are interested in reducing risks when insuring property and, as a rule, recommend only trusted installation companies and private licensed experts.

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